Schedules - Add/Edit - App

For Tenants, Owners and Property Managers

To Add a Schedule - App

  1. Click the 'Schedules' tab on the main page.

  2. The 'All Instances' button will open the instances of existing Schedules.  The 'All Schedules' button will open the Schedule profiles.  To add a Schedule click the 'All Schedules' button then click the 'Floating Action Button (FAB) to add a new Schedule.

  3. Complete the fields based on the type of Schedule and frequency etc.  See notes below for each field.

  4. Schedule Name: This is the name of the Schedule that will be shown in the various Schedule lists.
  5. Type: This is the 'Type' of Schedule.  If you select 'Appointment' you will be required to enter a date and time for the Schedule.  Use the 'Task' Schedule type when adding schedules for tasks e.g. Mow lawns, or Check Smoke Alarms
  6. Description: You can add more details about the Schedule here. 
  7. Share/Invite: Depending on the Schedule type you can also invite others to the Schedule also.
  8. Frequency: This field enables you to set whether the Schedule is a one-off instance or an ongoing Schedule.
  9. Start Date: This is the date on which the first instance of the Schedule occurs. 
  10. End Date: This is the date of the last Schedule instance.  If you do not get this date exact the Schedule will end either on the End Date or the last date prior where the Schedule would normally occur.
  11. Reminder (Days Before): This enables you to set to be reminded 1 or more days prior to the Schedule being due.  You will get a notification in the App or via email.

Edit a Schedule

To edit a Schedule just click on the 'All Schedules' button on the main page and then click on a Schedule to open it.  

From this page you can edit the Schedule by clicking the 'Edit' icon at the top right, or you can mark a Scheduled instance as Done/Not Done by clicking on the tile in the list below.

Share Schedule

  1. You can invite as many people as desired to the Schedule that are associated with the Tenancy.  They will receive an email as below.  They will need to click the link in the email to 'Accept' the invite.

Schedule Instances

The Schedule Instances page lists all the instances for the next few months.  The Status of any scheduled instance can be updated by tapping on any instance in the list.  Notes can also be added.


You can also open an instance of a Schedule from the 'All Schedules' page.  Just click on the 'All Schedules' button on the main page and then click on a Schedule to open it.  From this page you can edit the Schedule by clicking the 'Edit' icon at the top right, or you can mark a Scheduled instance as Done/Not Done by clicking on the tile in the list below.

Creation date: 22/07/2022 15:11 (      Updated: 22/07/2022 15:16 (
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