Forms & Docs - How to Add/Edit

For: Owners, Property Managers


There is a three part process to assign and use forms and documents to a particular tenancy.  
  1. The first stage in the process is to create the 'Master Form' or document.  At this stage in the process the form is only created and saved - it is not assigned.  Users do not complete Master Forms.  
  2. The second part of the process is to then add this 'Master form' to one or more properties.  Once it is added it ceases to be a master form... it is just an assigned form.
  3. Forms can then be completed in either the web or the app.  We are making some enhancements so that users can save a partially completed form and then open and complete it later.

Edit Guide - Forms

  1. Master forms can be edited. 
  2. Forms assigned to a property can also be edited.
  3. Edits to Master forms will apply to all properties the form is subsequently assigned to.
  4. Once a form is assigned to a property any edits made to the master form will not effect it.  Changes to a master form will not have any impact on forms that have already been assigned.
  5. Forms assigned to a property can be edited, the edits will only effect the form for that specific property.  This means that you can assign a master form to many properties and then customise it for each property without having to start from scratch - clever aye!

The process for documents is very similar.

This three stage process provides maximum flexibility and also maximum control over who has access to the various forms.

You can customise forms and documents at any of the stages in the process.  Customisations will only be applied to subsequent stages in the process.  For example, changes to a form that is edited within a property will only relate to the property.  Alternatively, changes to a form at the master level or first stage in the process can be migrated out to all future places that the form is added/assigned.

Document and Form Components

Documents are made up of 'Clauses' that are saved by Topic and Section.  This makes it possible to add Clauses to many different forms without needing to replicate the clause.

Forms can also be made up of Clauses, but can also include Fields, this is how they differ from documents.  This makes it possible to create a complex form such as a tenancy agreement that has many clauses and also a date and signature area within the same agreement.

How to create a Master Form

  1. Click 'Forms an Documents' in the left menu.  Note: Forms and Documents can only be created in the Web.

  2. Select the one of the main tabs based on what you want to do. To create a new form click the 'Form & Document Builder' tab. To 'Edit' an existing master form click the 'Forms' tab. 

  3. Drag the desired form fields from the left hand 'Field Chooser' tab into your form on the right hand side.  

  4. To add clauses to your form drag them from the 'Clause Chooser' tab on the left into your form on the right.  You will first need to select a Topic and Section to see any clauses shown.  Note: Clauses will first need to be added via the Clause Builder page.


  6. To set or edit the title of the form click the 'Edit' icon on the right hand end of the Form Title.   If the Title is not set, you will be prompted to name the form when you attempt to add the first field.  You can also add a description if needed.

  7. Refer next section for editing form fields.
  8. You should 'Save' the form regularly as you build it to save the fields and clauses that you have added.
  9. Once a form or document has been saved you will see that it is added to the main list of Master Forms or Master Documents on the two main tabs.

  10. To Edit a form or document just click on the 'Edit' icon on the right.  You can also do a range of other actions from this same area.


Form Fields Types

There are more than 10 field types that can be used in a form.  These can be used in any order and as many times as you need for the form.  They can also be slotted in before, between and after clauses where needed.

The form types available include:

  • Check box (single)
  • Multi-Check box
  • Date (with date picker)
  • Email
  • Instructions (to add free text instructions to a form)
  • Single Radio Buttons
  • Photo
  • Separator (puts a horizontal line across the form)
  • Signature
  • Telephone
  • Text field (for user to enter a free text response)
  • Multi-line Text field (for user to add multiple lines of text)

Form Field Settings

Most fields will have one or more of the following settings options:

  • Default Value: This is the text that is displayed in empty fields when the form is first opened.  Any text that the user adds will replace this 'mask text'.
  • Required Field: If ticked, the form will not be able to be submitted until this field has been completed.
  • Restrict to certain roles: This field will only be able to be completed by users of the selected roles.  For all other roles the field will either be disabled or hidden.
  • Hide for Role: This will determine whether the field is hidden or just disabled for the role/s selected above.

How to assign forms

Refer other knowledge base article on assigning forms and documents.
Creation date: 16/06/2021 12:11 (admin - YHOH)      Updated: 26/08/2022 11:30 (
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