R&M - Field Descriptions

For: Owners, Property Managers



  • Date R&M Task added: This is the date that the R&M issue or task is added to YHOH.  This is not the date the task is to be done, please refer to the 'Start Date' below.
  • Task Type: This is the general work category for the R&M task.  This field is used to suggest potential contractors (refer Contractors tab).  For example if the Task Type is Plumbing then the list of Contractors that are shown will be those that include Plumbing in the services they provide.
  • Task Title: This is the short title that will show in the lists of R&M items.
  • Task Description: This is where you can add details of the work that is to be done.  You should include quite a bit of detail here as this is what contractors will use to provide their estimates and quotes. 
  • Priority: This provides those who are going to do the work with an indication of when it needs to be done.  This is useful for contractors as it will enable them to determine whether they will have the time/capacity to do the work in your required timeframe.  It is also good when the tenant is doing the work as it gives them a clear indication of when it needs to be done by.
  • As soon as possible: This toggle/field can be used in association with the Priority field.  When this is selected it removes the need to enter a date and time but also indicates that the sooner it can be done - the better.
  • Frequency: This is used for repeat tasks e.g. mowing the lawns.
  • Start Date / Start Time: Use these fields to identify when and what time the work is to be done.  You will find that this field may need to be changed after discussion with the contractor.  It is good to ensure that this date/time is correct as it will be used for reminding the various parties of when the work is to be done. 
  • Completion Date: Use this field to identify the date when the work must be completed by if there are any deadlines or other contractors that need this item to be completed before they can start their job.
  • Who is in charge: This is the person that is coordinating the work i.e. keeping contractors and tenants updated, checking and reviewing quotes and expressions of interest, selecting contractors etc.  In most cases this is likely to be the Owner or the Property Manager.
  • Who to do: This is the person (or business if a contractor) that is actually doing the work. 
  • Share with: This enables the work description and dates etc to be shared with others, such as the tenant or property owner et al.  This does not share the quotes and expressions of interest.
  • Upload Image and Upload Video: This enables pictures and videos to be uploaded that describe or show the issue.  You can also use these to show where on the property the work is to be done etc.
  • Important Notices: This provides you with the ability to add some clear notes to the contractor and/or tenant about the work.  These are like standard requirements that you can select and apply.  The items that are ticked will be shown to the contractor or tenant as appropriate.



  • This page is used to add and invite contractors to the R&M Issue.
  • The list of Contractors shown on this page will be filtered based on the 'Task Type' field in the [Overview] tab.   If no filter is selected then all contractors will be listed.
  • Add New Contractor: If the Contractor is not listed here you can either adjust the 'Task Type' on the Overview Tab or add a new Contractor using this button.
  • Invite New Contractor: Another way of adding a Contractor is to just send them an Invite via this button.  You can add one to many Contractors this way.  When you Invite a contractor using this method you are not directly assigning them to the job.  You can still use the other processes to request quotes and expressions of interest if you want.


Quotes & Estimates

  • This page is where all the quotes and estimates for this particular job are stored and managed.


Work Notes

  • This page shows the Work Notes that have been added to the job by the Contractor or person doing the work.  This information can be useful when reporting to the owner or when reviewing a previous job.  It can also be used to keep notes of jobs/tasks that are recurring. 



  • This page keeps track of all the chat communications for the R&M issue.  Currently it stores each chat on a one-to-one basis i.e. we do not cater for group chats at this stage.



  • This page captures the completion aspects of the R&M issue.  This will show the contractor's sign-off and also enables you to upload the invoice for the work.  This can be used for warranties and also support for incidents relating to the consumer guarantee's act if needed.
Creation date: 16/06/2021 12:02 (admin - YHOH)      Updated: 20/07/2022 13:42 (chris@awhina.com)
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